Example of a moving photography studio
Speeding Backwards is a project that will make its debute in Dumfries and Galloway. Using one of the oldest photographic processes called ‘Wet Plate Collodion’ a cycle powered dark room will take a tour of 5 primary schools over the course of a week, stopping and camping along the way, peddle power will carry the equipment and provisions for this trip! Each school will get a portrait and will also be asked to think of something that is important to the place they live, be it person, place or thing. The photographs will be shown after a workshop on the process and there will be an invite to also look at archive photography and bring along your own! There will be photographic documentation and scans of the original wet plates will be taken.
This project will also have a custom-built bike trailer/dark room. Two interns will be helping with this all female build over two days, gaining skills in construction and project planning
A third photography intern will come to the workshops in the primary schools, helping to facilitate and learning about the process.
To round things up there will be an exhibition showing both the photographs taken, documentation of the workshops and the bike and trailer itself.